Sunday, 13 January 2013

50 Waysto use Technology

Each of the activities below can be used by teachers for their classes, but imagine how much more powerful they might be if students worked on these as class projects, under a teacher's direction. There are substantial opportunities for classroom creativity, student ownership, and integrating technology into the curriculum.
Word Processing (with graphics and draw tools)
Compose a story/news article/book review and illustrate it with clip art or graphics
Expand vocabulary within any written work using the thesaurus in your word processing application
Create a resume for any famous person in history
Compare and contrast any two (or more) things using a Venn diagram
Plan steps or activities with a concept web or map—or use special software designed for this purpose
Devise a character comparison chart in table format
Use a table to generate timelines for projects or to record historical events
Design a postcard highlighting your school, local community, or Ohio (for the bicentennial!)
Publish a class or grade "newspaper" or student-produced newsletter or flyer

Spreadsheets and Databases
Document progress for a unit or an activity in your class
Take a survey and chart the results
Collect information about define the differences graphically—the heights of the tallest roller coasters
Make a "real world" budget to learn about income, purchasing, and consumer science
Do a "reality check" for a "dream car" or "dream house" by calculating payments with varied interest rates
Strategize for a fund-raiser by working with supply, demand, and price
Build a class "contact list" for homework help and information sharing
Keep an updated inventory of class materials and resources
Measure and record data to show cumulative results—"Hands Across the Class" or a "Dance-a-Thon"

Go on an Internet Scavenger Hunt
Explore places you could never visit through streaming video
Investigate any situation through a WebQuest—created by someone else or you can create your own
Track data—the weather over time, or in different places, or changes in the Stock Market
Start the day or week with "Current Events," even in a content area, from major news sources
Watch or join an adventure online
Contribute to a research team—student data contributions and tracking are used for many projects
Research what happened the day you were born
Play a role in an online simulation—there is even a United Nations simulation for Middle School
Test your knowledge with daily quizzes—the National Geography Bee posts new questions daily
Become a "Jason Project" member
Follow the Iditarod

Ask an expert or an author for his or her opinion or insight on a topic you are studying
Become an "e-pal" to someone anywhere in the world
Contact your Congressional Representative, Senators, or state officials with your concerns or questions
Share your expertise or opinion, or post a question on a message board
Initiate a friendly competition in reading or physical fitness activities with another class or school and share results

Presentation Software
Pull group work together in a class presentation with each group having a few slides in a presentation
Compile information into a common format—"Math Formulas We Use" created by and for students
Record "class info and rules" for new student orientation
Make a digital "memory book" for the year

Digital Camera
Capture the moment—class presentations, field trips, or activities!
Provide supporting "evidence" in a project or report

Digital Video
Document processes for use and review—lab equipment and procedures
Record a class project or event, such as a field trip or guest speaker, for further learning activities
Create a "newscast" of some event—current or historical—students presenting the information

Web Page
Design a web page or site to direct students’ learning activities in a class or for a project
Upload a page with results of students’ work—art, maps, or even digital presentations
Share the results of student investigations by posting results on the Web
Use web page creation software to create a portfolio on a CD-ROM

Converse and collaborate with another class on a project
Take a course, in real time, from an instructor and with other students at various locations

Sunday, 25 March 2012

After installing this website ONE may have too much information from internet in Urdu.
 This is a very help program for Urdu teachers and students. With the help of this program one can work in MS Word and make powerpoint presentations. TRY IT!

Friday, 23 March 2012

Refection on the use of blogging as a tool for Learning and Teaching:

Like the general blogging community, there are many ways to use blogging in teaching and learning. You can use an existing blog to provide information and insights. They can also help you provide examples to increase the quality of your students' blog entries. Or, you can encourage your students to create a blog for others that reflects these ideas.
Activate. Motivate with blogs. Use a blog as a catalyst to generate interest in a new topic. Help students see the excitement and energy that can be found in a subject. For example, show the enthusiasm of mathematicans.
Connect. Provide a context or establish a connection. Bring relevance to the discussion by using a "real world" situation or example found in a blog.
Critique. Critically evaluate an idea or perspective by using examples to support a position. Many of these examples can be found in professional blogs.
Deepen. Add depth to a learning situation by providing a detailed explanation, thoughtful observation, or new resource that provides additional information or insights. For example, use a law blog to learn more about law and ethics.
Expand. Broaden thinking by providing an alternative perspective or different point of view. For example, use blogs from different countries to examine cultural differences.
Fresh Look. Use blogs to provide current, immediately relevant examples. For example, get the latest science or fashion news.
Inform. Provide primary sources or data that help explain an idea already presented. For example, you can track earthquakes and volcanoes. Consider a statistic or graph that illustrates a point.
Launch. Look for blogs as a place for new, innovative ideas. Be the first to present a new idea rather than simply commenting on the work of others. Ask questions to keep the new idea going.
Synthesize. Bring a number of ideas together. For example, consolidate these comments and draw a new conclusion.

Sunday, 18 March 2012


Visit the following website to know definition  of 'Netiquette'!

Core Netiquette Rules

  1. Spell check and proofread all written internet communication because errors diminish the credibility of the message.

  2. Do not write in all capital letters because all caps are considered shouting when written on the internet.

  3. Tell the truth online because honesty creates the best online experience. Do not lie in account profiles.

  4. Do not do things online you would not do in reality. Be yourself, you are not anonymous.

  5. Do not flame or respond to flames because personal insults are uncivilized and netiquette is civilized.

  6. Do not spam or follow pop-up and spam links because they can lead to viruses, spyware, and malware.

  7. Be conservative in email you send and liberal in email you receive because quality is better than quantity.

  8. Do not send email at night because normal people sleep at night. Late night email may call your lifestyle into question.

  9. Shop secure sites with Transport Layer Security (TSL) or Secure Socket Layer (SSL) because it protects your data.

  10. Use discretion when sharing information online for personal and professional privacy reasons.

Function at BSS 78-A/1